
This article from Healthy Habit Coach, Tara Rayburn, was originally published online at CalderaSpas.com.

Ahh, January. The rush of the holiday season ends and we reset our personal time clocks for the upcoming year. It’s a time for setting (or re-committing to) goals, whether they are professional or personal.

Take a look at this chart which shows that three out of the top four resolutions are related to health and well being.

Are you ready to commit to healthy habits in 2018? Read more

Season of Giving Campaign at Arvidson Pools and Spas

The “Season of Giving” campaign begins on Giving Tuesday, November 28, 2017.

We traditionally offer our lowest prices of the year on new hot tubs during our year-end clearance sale when in-stock hot tubs are an additional 25% off our normally low prices.

This year, in addition to giving big savings back to our customers, we’re also making a $100 donation to one of six local organizations that you get to choose!

Read more

Expressions of Gratitude

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward

Here are some expressions of gratitude from a few of us here at Arvidson: Read more


In this ever-changing and fast-paced world, people are reassessing their lives with an eye toward better health and a deeper sense of well-being.

Age is no longer measured in years, but in mobility.

Good health is no longer the absence of illness but a normal state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

As our culture has moved toward this more complete sense of wellness, Arvidson Pools & Spas has helped customers achieve their wellness goals. We’ve done this through a variety of products such as hot tubs, saunas, and swimming pools. Read more

Dog Days

Arvidson Pools & Spas is hosting the 3rd Annual Dog Days of Summer promotion throughout the month of August as a way of raising funds for several local animal rescue/shelter organizations. Read more