Here’s what We Discovered When We Bought a New Hot Tub by Jami Switzer, Marketing Manager at Arvidson Pools & Spa:
As October rolls into November, thoughts naturally turn toward family gatherings and reconnecting with family near and far.
These opportunities to share quality time with loved ones are important, especially as we find our connections to digital devices filling more and more of our personal space. Various studies (a few which are outlined in this Forbes article) describe how being constantly “plugged in” takes a toll on us physically, emotionally, and relationally. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the convenience of carrying a mini computer with me at all times.
Check the weather forecast, send a timely email, or read an article – it seems there is little that can’t be done remotely these days. But when you find yourself connecting with your phone more than your spouse or child, it’s time to hit the pause button, put the phone down, and find a way to reconnect with loved ones.
Since buying our hot tub last August, we have found this to be the perfect antidote for smartphone overload.
Better Relationships
There’s something magical about the warm, swirling water and the massaging jets. It really is a natural conversation starter!
With no phones to distract your attentions away from the person sitting across from you, you are free to ask questions, share experiences, and really learn more about the same people you thought you knew so well. These new insights and shared memories carry over into the normal, weekly routines. Better connections result in better relationships.
Well Being
Another positive outcome from the addition of our hot tub has been an overall sense of well being.
Sore muscles and fatigue melt away. Powerful jets hitting those tense parts of your body just feels great!
I’ve noticed less joint pain which has given me greater freedom of movement leading to more energy and a desire to incorporate more activity into my daily routine.
Our whole family plays tennis. When my husband comes home after a competitive match, he knows that he can soothe any aches and pains with the massaging jets. Sometimes he even invites his tennis buddies to join him … and they do!
Live Social Engagement
Speaking of friendships, my teenage daughter loves to invite her girlfriends over to spa. It’s a cool experience to run out on a crisp, cool night and sink into the warm water with the stars and moon shining above.
With no phones allowed, it gives them an opportunity to engage with each other face to face instead of screen to screen. It is exactly this one-on-one time with friends and peers that helps build confidence, trust and understanding in young adults.
Improved Sleep
My husband often experienced difficulty getting to sleep and didn’t always sleep well through the night. His nightly soaks in the hot tub have done wonders to help him alleviate stress and relax. This in turn has made it easier for him to quiet his thoughts at night and more easily fall asleep.
Final Thoughts
Are we grateful for the hot tub? Of course. But more importantly we are grateful for the positive impact it has had on our family and our health. As the holiday season approaches, we are already looking forward to sharing enchanting nights under the stars with those we love most.
Holiday time is family time and for us, some of that family time will definitely be hot tub time.
Nadine’s Italian Lemon Drop Cookies
It’s the perfect time of year to try Nadine’s Italian Lemon Drop Cookies. Your holiday guests will truly appreciate them! Read more
Six Tips to Make Your Winter Hot Tub Experience Amazing
Winter has arrived bringing frosty temperatures, white snow-covered landscapes and cheerful holiday gatherings with friends and family.
It’s also one of the favorite times of year for hot tub owners to enjoy the unique experience of bracing the cold trip to their backyard hot tub before sinking into the comfort of swirling, warm water.
As you watch the steam float into the evening air, you can almost catch a glimpse of snow-capped mountains in the distance… or at least imagine it!
Whether you are a veteran winter-time soaker or are building up the courage to try it for the first time, here are six tips to make your winter hot tub experience amazing: Read more
Arvidson Pools & Spas Celebrates Small Business Saturday
As a local retailer in three Illinois suburbs, we have been active participants in Small Business Saturday since its inception in 2010. Sponsored by American Express, and officially recognized by the U.S. Senate in 2011, this day counters the frenzy of Black Friday by encouraging holiday shoppers to support local business in their communities. Read more
Tips to Help You Have the Best Outdoor Holiday Lighting Display Ever!
Thanksgiving is almost here, and Christmas is right around the corner. With the holidays fast approaching, it’s time to start planning your Christmas decorations.
In this article, we look at tips to help you have the best outdoor holiday lighting display ever! Read more
How Does Your Family Reconnect?
Here’s what We Discovered When We Bought a New Hot Tub by Jami Switzer, Marketing Manager at Arvidson Pools & Spa:
As October rolls into November, thoughts naturally turn toward family gatherings and reconnecting with family near and far.
These opportunities to share quality time with loved ones are important, especially as we find our connections to digital devices filling more and more of our personal space. Various studies (a few which are outlined in this Forbes article) describe how being constantly “plugged in” takes a toll on us physically, emotionally, and relationally. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the convenience of carrying a mini computer with me at all times.
Check the weather forecast, send a timely email, or read an article – it seems there is little that can’t be done remotely these days. But when you find yourself connecting with your phone more than your spouse or child, it’s time to hit the pause button, put the phone down, and find a way to reconnect with loved ones.
Since buying our hot tub last August, we have found this to be the perfect antidote for smartphone overload.
Better Relationships
There’s something magical about the warm, swirling water and the massaging jets. It really is a natural conversation starter!
With no phones to distract your attentions away from the person sitting across from you, you are free to ask questions, share experiences, and really learn more about the same people you thought you knew so well. These new insights and shared memories carry over into the normal, weekly routines. Better connections result in better relationships.
Well Being
Another positive outcome from the addition of our hot tub has been an overall sense of well being.
Sore muscles and fatigue melt away. Powerful jets hitting those tense parts of your body just feels great!
I’ve noticed less joint pain which has given me greater freedom of movement leading to more energy and a desire to incorporate more activity into my daily routine.
Our whole family plays tennis. When my husband comes home after a competitive match, he knows that he can soothe any aches and pains with the massaging jets. Sometimes he even invites his tennis buddies to join him … and they do!
Live Social Engagement
Speaking of friendships, my teenage daughter loves to invite her girlfriends over to spa. It’s a cool experience to run out on a crisp, cool night and sink into the warm water with the stars and moon shining above.
With no phones allowed, it gives them an opportunity to engage with each other face to face instead of screen to screen. It is exactly this one-on-one time with friends and peers that helps build confidence, trust and understanding in young adults.
Improved Sleep
My husband often experienced difficulty getting to sleep and didn’t always sleep well through the night. His nightly soaks in the hot tub have done wonders to help him alleviate stress and relax. This in turn has made it easier for him to quiet his thoughts at night and more easily fall asleep.
Final Thoughts
Are we grateful for the hot tub? Of course. But more importantly we are grateful for the positive impact it has had on our family and our health. As the holiday season approaches, we are already looking forward to sharing enchanting nights under the stars with those we love most.
Holiday time is family time and for us, some of that family time will definitely be hot tub time.