Swimming Pool Water Safety
Follow the safety tips below and use common sense, and you’ll have a safe, fun pool for children and adults.

Always Watch Infants & Children
Never, under any circumstances, leave children unattended in a swimming pool – in ground or above ground. Even shallow water poses a drowning hazard. Better safe than sorry! Install a fence around the pool. Consider a pool alarm system that alerts you if there is a water disturbance.

Pay Attention to Pets
Teach your pet where the steps are to get out of the pool. Install a fence around the pool and install a pet-safe ladder. Always supervise your pets. Don’t assume your pet can swim – find out! Consider a pool alarm system that alerts you if there is a water disturbance.

Install a Safety Fence
Install a four-six foot fence around all sides of the pool with a locked gate to keep children out when there is no supervision. Make sure the fence is is difficult to climb. Lawn furniture, trees and shrubs should not be close enough to provide an easy boost over the fence. Avoid using a side of the house as part of the fence as toddlers can stroll out an open patio door or window and drown.

Have Pool Rules & Be Consistent
Post your pool rules: No one should ever swim alone. Never push others into the pool. When using water slides, go feet first. No running. No glass bottles. Look before you dive. Don’t dive in the shallow end. Keep rescue devices and first aid supplies near the pool. Never swim after drinking alcoholic beverages, eating or taking medications. Keep rescue devices and first aid supplies near the pool.